"Solidarity Beyond Borders: A Finnish Connection”

In the heart of the George Floyd Memorial, a place that welcomes people from all corners of the globe, I encountered something truly heartwarming. Ahmedjasin, from Finland, entered my life for a fleeting moment. This meeting wasn't by chance; it was a beautiful testament to the incredible connections that blossom in this sacred space.

As our stories and laughter filled the air, I couldn't help but share that I hadn't met many Black Americans from Finland. Ahmedjasin's response was like a warm embrace for the soul: "Black people are everywhere." In those words, we found a shared bond transcending borders or boundaries. In that moment, we felt the beauty of our shared humanity, a reminder that love and compassion know no limits.

Out of the blue, another visitor joined our conversation. She revealed that her husband, too, was from Finland. The joy that radiated from her was infectious, as if the very spirit of the memorial had ignited a spark within us all. In this emotionally charged moment, she couldn't contain her happiness and asked us to send a video greeting to her husband.

Ahmedjasin, his heart brimming with excitement, wholeheartedly wished her husband a "Happy Birthday" in Finnish, and I echoed the sentiment in English. Together, we poured our hearts into thanking her for joining us in honoring George Floyd's memory and for creating this unexpected and profound connection.

Her eyes sparkled with anticipation, knowing that her husband would be deeply touched by this heartfelt video from the memorial. In that brief interaction, we were reminded of the extraordinary power of unity, transcending language barriers, and bringing together people from diverse backgrounds in our shared quest for justice and understanding.

As we reluctantly said our goodbyes, it was clear that this experience had touched us all at a soul-deep level. The connection we formed in those fleeting moments was stronger than any physical distance could ever be.

Before she left, she shared something that tugged at our heartstrings: "I never expected to see George Floyd's family here." Her words resonated with us, highlighting the unexpected and profound impact of encountering the Floyd family. It added an unanticipated layer of meaning and connection to her visit. She warmly thanked me for being present at the memorial.

In response, I shared a sentiment that flowed from a place of deep compassion: "It's the least I can do in a world where my family is embraced with love and support from across the globe, even in the face of heart-wrenching tragedies." Our conversation served as a poignant reminder of the intricate tapestry of humanity that binds us all, the immense power of empathy, and the shared responsibility we carry in creating a world steeped in justice and compassion.

As we went our separate ways, our hearts overflowed with a newfound sense of connection and purpose. This sacred square, where people from all walks of life converge, had given us a profound reminder of the immense strength that resides in our shared humanity. It left us feeling not just inspired but deeply moved, knowing that together, we can create a world where compassion and love prevail.


Title: The Art of Writing with an Open Mind: Unleashing Your Creative Energizer


"Silent Stones, Loud Voices: The Say Your Names Experience"