Title: The Art of Writing with an Open Mind: Unleashing Your Creative Energizer


Writing is not merely a mechanical act of putting words on paper or screen; it is a deeply personal and creative endeavor that requires a receptive mind and a passion for expression. To truly harness the power of the written word, it is crucial to attempt writing only if your mind is open and you feel entirely ready. Your writing should flow effortlessly, like an energizing force, and not be a chore. Writing should be your passion and a means of sharing your thoughts, emotions, and stories. This article will explore why it's vital to approach writing with an open mind and readiness and how it can transform your writing into a magical and powerful force.

Writing as an Energizer

When approached with an open mind and readiness, writing can be a potent energizer. It has the potential to invigorate your creativity, uplift your spirits, and bring clarity to your thoughts. When you write with a mind free of distractions and preconceived notions, your words can flow like a torrential river, carrying your thoughts and ideas effortlessly onto the page.

Writing uniquely engages your brain, stimulating your imagination and intellectual faculties. It allows you to tap into the depths of your consciousness, unlocking a wellspring of creativity. When done with enthusiasm and readiness, writing becomes a source of inspiration for you and your readers.

Writing Shouldn't Be a Chore

For many, writing becomes daunting when approached with a closed mind or reluctance. When you force yourself to write under these conditions, your words must be more varied and inspired. The burden of obligation replaces the joy of self-expression, which can result in writer's block and frustration.

To avoid turning writing into a chore, it's essential to recognize when you're not in the right mindset. Taking a break is acceptable if you're not feeling inspired or open to the creative process. Restoring your mind through activities like meditation, nature walks, or simply relaxing can rekindle your enthusiasm for writing.

Releasing Positive Energy

When you're truly ready to write, you're in a position to release positive energy into the world through your words. Your enthusiasm and passion will shine through, captivating your readers and leaving a lasting impact. Whether crafting an inspiring essay, an engaging story, or a thought-provoking article, your genuine energy will resonate with your audience.

Positive energy in writing doesn't just benefit the writer; it also uplifts and motivates readers. Your words can inspire, educate, and entertain, making a difference in the lives of those who engage with them. When you write with an open mind and readiness, you can create a ripple effect of positivity in the world.

Turning Energy into Characters and Actions

The essence of good writing lies in the ability to turn your energy into vivid characters and compelling actions. When you're open and ready to write, your characters come to life, and your narrative unfolds naturally. Your words cease to be symbols on a page; they become a gateway to a magical world, inviting readers to step inside and experience the story firsthand.

Characters, driven by the writer's energy and passion, become relatable and multi-dimensional. They evolve, facing challenges, making choices, and growing throughout the narrative. Readers are drawn into their journeys, forming emotional connections that transcend the boundaries of the written word.


Writing is a powerful tool for self-expression and communication. To tap into its full potential, it's essential to approach it with an open mind and a readiness to unleash your creative energies. Your writing should never feel like a chore but rather a passionate endeavor that invigorates you and your readers.

When you're ready to write, you can turn your energy into characters and actions, creating a magical world that captivates and inspires. So, take the time to restore your mind when needed, and when you feel that surge of positive energy, let it flow onto the page. Your best writing happens when you embrace the creative process with an open heart and mind, sharing your unique voice and vision with the world.

Angela Harrelson, Unleash your hidden potential

Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash


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