"Silent Stones, Loud Voices: The Say Your Names Experience"

The pilgrimage guides led the visitors from the country of Georgia to a poignant and evocative site within our journey known as the "Say Your Names" cemetery. As they approached this solemn place, they proceeded with utmost care, walking row by row, their footsteps resonating with a reverence that transcended the mere act of traversing the ground.

The visitors couldn't help but wonder, "Are these actual graves?," when faced with nearly 200 tombstones. We gently explained that the imitations of grave sites were not genuine; they were replicas, representations of tombstones representing individuals who had tragically lost their lives at the hands of the police or the judicial system.

These names were more than letters carved into stone; they were a powerful testament to stolen lives, unfulfilled dreams, and abruptly cut-short futures. In that sacred space, we emphasized that these lives should never be reduced to mere statistics or headlines; they were real people with real families and were human beings who had been unjustly taken from us.

The visitors' reactions varied as they continued to walk among these symbolic graves. Some whispered comments like, "This is powerful," while others confessed, "This gives me chills." The emotional weight of the experience overwhelmed a few to the point of tears. We stood beside them, moved by their genuine reactions, understanding this place's profound impact on them.

Our dedicated pilgrimage guides encouraged the visitors to delve deeper into the stories behind the names that touched their hearts, urging them to research how these individuals met their tragic fates at the hands of the police or the judicial system. After watching the emotional trauma on the visitors's faces, their presence here was a stark reminder of the human toll of police brutality and its profound repercussions on families, communities, and our collective consciousness. This reminder is a call to action, a plea for change.

We must never forget the lives lost and the pain inflicted on families, friends, and loved ones. Instead, we must channel our determination to create a world where every life is valued, justice prevails, and no one fears an unjust system. The memories carried by our Georgian visitors are not meant to burden them with guilt but to infuse them with love, passion, and inspiration to do better.

To effect change, all it takes is a small piece of oneself dedicated to the cause. Small pieces, when united, can form a beautiful puzzle. As the visitors return to their beautiful country of Georgia, may they carry these memories with them, not as a weight but as a source of motivation to strive for a brighter future. Remember that even minor efforts can contribute to a more just and compassionate world.

“In the shadows of justice, they silently lie,

A rallying cry from nearby graves, up to the sky.

Lives stolen by force, now in solemn rest,

In unity, we rise; justice is our quest.

Beneath the moon's mournful, soft-spoken light,

Silent voices plead for what's just and right.

Innocent souls, they'll forever remain,

In our hearts, their memory will sustain.

From the depths of our sorrow, we'll stand tall,

Their names we'll honor, one and all.

In unity, we'll alter the course of the tide,

With a rallying cry, together, side by side.

They're more than mere names etched in cold stone,

In our hearts, their stories are warmly known.

Together, we'll strive; their justice we'll revive,

With a rallying cry, their legacy will thrive.

Rallying Cry from Grave Angela Harrelson


"Solidarity Beyond Borders: A Finnish Connection”


"Believe, Laugh, Dream, Breathe: Messages Carved in Stone on Labor Day"