"Believe, Laugh, Dream, Breathe: Messages Carved in Stone on Labor Day"

I felt this irresistible pull towards the Square in the blistering heat of the day, almost hitting 100 degrees. This Labor Day had a different vibe, a weight that urged me to stop and think. There, before me, was a memorial adorned with three simple rocks. They might have been small, but their significance was enormous, tugging at me to take a moment and ponder.

I must have walked by those rocks a dozen times with a newfound determination as if destiny was nudging me to uncover their hidden meaning. Those rocks had been there forever, unnoticed by many, but today was the day I decided to pick them up and read the words etched on their weathered surfaces.

The first rock breathed out the word "believe." Its whisper seemed to hang in the air, a reminder that even in the face of chaos and uncertainty, holding onto the belief in a better future is a beacon of hope. As I had it in my hand, I could feel a surge of resolve, a reminder that believing in change empowers us to overcome today's challenges.

The second rock proudly displayed the word "laugh," a call to embrace joy even when life throws its curveballs. It reminded us that our ability to find humor in tough times is a testament to our strength and resilience.

The third rock, with "dream" etched into it, was like a spark igniting a fire within me. It urged me to let my imagination run wild, to envision a world transformed by our collective aspirations. Holding that rock, I felt a renewed sense of creativity and a determination never to stop dreaming.

Underneath these rocks lay the word "breathe," a word that hit me deep. It brought back the haunting echo of George Floyd's plea for breath, a stark reminder of the injustices we must confront. Those rocks transformed from simple stones into vessels of remembrance, compelling us to honor his memory by fighting for a world where every breath is treasured.

As I stood there, these rocks, their message, and their connection to George Floyd's story stirred emotions. Amidst the pain, a fierce hope emerged, a belief that our dreams are intertwined with the ongoing journey toward justice and equality. These rocks symbolize our shared responsibility to make the world better.

The dream I envisioned was one where today's struggles lead to a brighter tomorrow. A world where every child, no matter their background, can grow without the weight of prejudice. And when that dream becomes reality – and I wholeheartedly believe it will – our hearts will overflow with joy, and our souls will dance in celebration.

The need for signs saying "Black Lives Matter" will fade, replaced by an unwavering understanding of the value of every life. Children won't need to ask why it's said because they'll understand the fundamental truth.

On that remarkable day, we'll come together, celebrating our collective victory over adversity. People from all walks of life will stand side by side, knowing that our shared efforts reshaped history. At that moment, amid laughter and pure joy, we'll declare, "Blackness loves me," an affirmation of the unbreakable strength of love that conquered all. This is our BLM – a testament to resilience and unity.

As I carefully placed those rocks back where they belonged, a renewed energy flowed through me—a commitment to believing, dreaming, and advocating for change settled deep within. The relentless heat felt less oppressive, and the world's weight seemed lighter. Leaving the Square, I held the promise that those words on the rocks would turn from symbols to a living, breathing reality we created together.

Three rocks, Believe, dream & Laugh

Angela Harrelson


"Silent Stones, Loud Voices: The Say Your Names Experience"


"Navigating the Sea of Grief: My Journey Through Overwhelming Loss