Capturing Change Through the Lens: Commemorating King Demetrius' Impactful Grand Opening"

Today was remarkable, filled with emotions that are hard to put into words. I truly felt privileged to attend a grand opening, a celebration of my dear friend and colleague, King Demetrius. He's not just a photographer. He's an independent photojournalist whose work transcends the ordinary and touches the soul. The journey he's been on has been nothing short of extraordinary.

King Demetrius has been dedicated to capturing the essence of social justice through his lens for many years, long before the tragic loss of my nephew, George Floyd, in May 2020. He was there on the ground, the very first photographer to capture the poignant moments of the massive protest in Minneapolis at George Floyd Square. The images he captured were nothing short of breathtaking – they encapsulated the raw emotions of that moment in a way I had never seen before.

His diligence, unwavering commitment, and countless hours of hard work have culminated in this grand opening, where his masterpieces now grace the walls. Among the photos displayed are ones he took of my own family, images that hold a special place in my heart. I was engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions as I stood amidst those powerful images. Being part of this event was a surreal experience, reliving the moments that changed the world forever through the lens of a true artist.

I was left awe-inspired, rendered speechless by the magnitude of what King Demetrius had accomplished. The fact that he invited me to his gallery exhibit left me feeling genuinely honored and humbled. It made me reflect on my nephew, George Floyd, and his monumental impact on countless lives. His tragic passing catapulted the careers of so many, giving them a newfound purpose and direction. It's a reminder that George Floyd's legacy extends far beyond what we initially grasped. While I still deeply mourn his absence, I am heartened that his legacy continues to touch lives and transform the world.

At this moment, I raise my hand to salute you, King D! Your dedication, passion, and artistry inspire us all. I tip my hat not just to you but to everyone whose lives have been touched, transformed, and elevated because of the opportunities that emerged from my nephew's untimely departure. George Floyd's legacy stands as a beacon of hope, a catalyst for change, and a reminder that through adversity, we can strive to create a better world for black and brown individuals to flourish.

A job well done, Angela Harrelson


Kindling Change through Spiritual Emotions to Take Home"