Kindling Change through Spiritual Emotions to Take Home"

Encountering this remarkable duo from Fargo, North Dakota, was a truly moving experience. A father and his daughter embarked on a journey from their hometown to Minneapolis, with a special stop at the George Floyd Memorial. Standing side by side at the memorial, I could see the depth of emotion etched on the father's face. His words resonated deeply, "This is chilling, so emotional right now." The sentiment hit hard – being physically present where a tragedy unfolded, not just witnessing it on TV, evokes an indescribable, overwhelming, and spiritual sensation.

In the presence of the memorial, spiritual energies weave through the air. For some, it's a force that grips them as they drive through the Square. Others feel it as they step out of their cars or as they tread toward the George Floyd Memorial. The intensity catches them off guard, a surge of emotion they never anticipated.

This is a hallowed ground, a site steeped in history. Over the past three years, my journey has shifted from a whirlwind of emotions to a place of serenity – a space of acceptance. Not an acceptance of the circumstances surrounding his death but a recognition of his passing. Amidst the tears and reflections, I now walk with my head held high. My steps are imbued with love and strength, an emblem of victory rather than victimhood. I walk as a survivor, infused with quiet confidence, embodying the hope God has bestowed upon me.

It's important to clarify that this is not a declaration that people should suppress their tears or hide their pain. The memorial is a space to release and share those emotions. It's a sanctuary for grief and a platform to lay burdens down. But it's also a sacred arena where inspiration blooms. As visitors return home, they carry with them the spirit of change kindled by the flame of the George Floyd memorial. In the presence of this memorial, a catalyst for transformation, we find solace, unity, and the strength to forge ahead as instruments of change.

Carry the Spirit of Change, Angela Harrelson


"Navigating the Sea of Grief: My Journey Through Overwhelming Loss


Capturing Change Through the Lens: Commemorating King Demetrius' Impactful Grand Opening"