Visitor from South Africa

Collins and his wife, proud residents of Minneapolis, opened their hearts and city to visitors from South Africa at George Floyd Square. I couldn't contain my joy as I shared with these South African guests the extraordinary visit of Ndaba Mandela and Nkosi Mandela, the beloved grandsons of the legendary Nelson Mandela, who had graced George Floyd Square just a few months prior. Describing the experience, I conveyed how it had overwhelmed my spirit and filled me with a profound sense of warmth. Meeting members of the Mandela family was nothing short of a dream come true.

Our visitors stood in awe but weren't surprised by the Mandelas' visit, for it resonated with the essence of their legacy. Their admiration for the Mandela family was palpable, and they urged me to explore the beauty of South Africa, assuring me that I would find a deep and abiding love for the nation. My heart swells with gratitude for all those who made the pilgrimage to our square. It has evolved into a sacred space of healing and growth for me.

On this journey, I've learned a profound lesson in selflessness: placing the needs of the collective above our own. I've witnessed the incredible resilience of individuals who push themselves to the limit, seemingly boundless in their commitment to justice. Their unwavering determination has inspired me and granted me the strength to continue their vital work. This, my friends, is the heart of the social justice movement—a realization that no person can do it all, nor should we expect them to.

Our most sacred duty is to leave behind an enduring blueprint for the younger generation, illuminating our relentless commitment to equality and justice. We must entrust them with the torch of progress, never conceding defeat but amplifying our message to guide those who follow. Envision a future where no lives are unjustly taken, and the cry "black lives matter" is no longer a plea but an unequivocal truth. We forge ahead, unyielding, in pursuing a brighter and more just world.


"Melodies of Resilience: Pianos in George Floyd Square"


"The Power of Shared Sorrow: A Memorial Encounter to Remember"