"The Power of Shared Sorrow: A Memorial Encounter to Remember"

As I strolled into the square, I was drawn to a woman fervently capturing the essence of the George Floyd memorial with her camera. Evidently, the memorial had begun to overwhelm her, so I temporarily placed my sister (who was on the phone) on hold. Little did I anticipate that this spontaneous encounter would soon transform into a profoundly impactful experience for both of us.

Once our eyes met, she stood tall without hesitation, graced me with a warm smile, and uttered, "It's a beautiful day."

Her voice had a certain firmness, yet beneath it lay a deep well of gratitude. She continued, "I'm grateful to be here, by the grace of God." However, as she spoke, tears rose in her eyes, and her voice trembled as she confessed, "I'll never forget what I saw that day. You can't imagine the pain of watching him there, begging for help."

Her sincerity moved me, and I kindly replied, "I can understand that pain because I am George Floyd's aunt." It was like a wave of emotions washed over her, and she enveloped me in a tight, heartfelt hug. Her cries and sobs resonated throughout the memorial, capturing the attention of those nearby.

She clung to me as if she never wanted to let go, and as I struggled to catch my breath within her tight embrace, I remembered that my sister, Nancy, was on the phone, silently bearing witness to this powerful encounter. I introduced them, saying, "This is my sister, Nancy, the other aunt."

The woman, Cassandra, managed to whisper through her tears, "I wish I could see you, but I'm so sorry." Her words bore witness to the depth of her emotions. This was undoubtedly one of the most emotionally charged moments I had ever experienced at the memorial.

In those precious moments, we shared a connection that transcended words. Cassandra's outpouring of love and compassion was overwhelming. She exhibited immediate kindness and understanding upon discovering who I was. It was a beautiful exchange, one that transcended the limitations of words.

As I reflect on that day, I cannot help but believe that we were both a source of blessing to one another, offering our presence and mutual support. Cassandra's love and warmth were akin to a soothing balm for my soul, and I knew we both carried George Floyd's memory within us. I thanked God for this extraordinary encounter and sent my love to my nephew in heaven. Perry, you are forever in our thoughts. You truly changed the world, and you changed me for the better.

As Cassandra prepared to leave, she turned to me and shared profound wisdom, saying, "You had no idea how much this moment meant to me today. I'm increasingly realizing the importance of allowing visitors to express their sorrow to the family. It's a healing moment for them. People often ask me how I care for myself and bear the weight of other people's pain. It wasn't always easy to be strong for others, let alone for myself. Instead of carrying that burden, I entrust it to God as much as possible. When I console someone, I've learned to strike a balance by letting it go. I do my best to give them the space to express their pain, receive it warmly, and then let it go. I don't carry that pain on my shoulders or within me. Once a month, I make sure to find the time and space to decompress and recharge. Your cup can overflow, but you need the time to refill."

Cassandra's words resonated deeply with me, and even now, I can vividly recall her face, feel her tears, and see her smile. She left an indelible mark on me because, in her, I witnessed an extraordinary display of love, kindness, and support for my nephew, even before she knew who I was.

With a warm smile, I extended my heartfelt wishes, saying, "God bless you, Cassandra, from Chicago, Illinois." Our paths converged for a brief yet profoundly significant moment, and I am certain that the memory of our encounter will remain with both of us, serving as a testament to the transformative power of compassion and the importance of sharing our burdens with others, even if only for a fleeting moment.


Visitor from South Africa


"Canceled Run, Divine Plan: A Chance Meeting from Goldsboro to Minnesota"