"Through the Eyes of Empathy: Exploring the Square's Offerings"

Every day I visit the Square, I'm struck by the many offerings left behind. I have my thoughts on what they mean, but I know they can mean different things to different people. Still, thinking about these offerings brings me a sense of healing and joy. Three items at George Floyd Square caught my attention: a black doll, a white shoe, and Mickey Mouse. Each carries a unique message.

The black doll symbolizes black youth and the potential for real change in future generations. It's a reminder that addressing racial issues should start early in life, emphasizing the importance of teaching black children that they are beautiful, intelligent, and just as valuable as anyone else, regardless of who they meet. I hope that one day, they won't have to entertain doubts about whether they are good enough. This black doll represents the aspiration for a world where every child, regardless of race, grows up with unwavering self-confidence and self-worth.

The white shoe( First Steps written on it) represents a first step toward awareness and discussion about race. It signifies the importance of commitment from white individuals to learn about their white privilege and recognize racial inequality. It's a symbol of the willingness to be part of the solution, taking those initial steps toward a more just society where conversations about racial equality are the norm, not the exception.
Mickey Mouse, a mainstream icon, represents the broader acceptance of diversity and inclusion. These values are becoming more widely recognized and embraced in society, signifying progress toward a world where people of all backgrounds are accepted and celebrated for who they are.
These offerings convey a message of unity, progress, and the commitment of people from different backgrounds to work together for change and equality. They remind us of the importance of acknowledging and addressing racial disparities as a collective effort and that diversity and inclusion are gaining ground in the mainstream as vital principles for a more equitable world. Ultimately, these symbols inspire hope for a future where all children can grow up without doubts about their worth, knowing they are valued, beautiful, and deserving of respect. This represents my observations, emotions, and thoughts, serving as my path toward healing

Angela Harrelson


"Winter's Offering: A Universal Expression of Love and Unity


"Rising from Poverty: How a Childhood Essay Inspired Hope