"Rising from Poverty: How a Childhood Essay Inspired Hope

In the third grade, I embarked on a journey of self-expression by writing my very first paper. The topic was "What Electricity Means to Me," at that tender age, I poured my heart onto paper, articulating my feelings and experiences with unwavering honesty.

Growing up, my family lived in the most humble of circumstances. Our residence was a raggedy shack house, and poverty was our constant companion. The daily struggle to make ends meet defined our existence, and the realities of life in that ramshackle dwelling left a profound imprint on my young heart.

I vividly recall those chilly mornings, shivering in the cold without the warmth of heating. Our meager firewood supply could only ward off the chill until the early hours, leaving us in discomfort as we prepared for school in the winter months. We rationed our resources, ensuring we had just enough for the lights and the stove. The specter of unpaid bills loomed over us, threatening to plunge us into darkness. While we had a wooden heater, it demanded a daily ritual of chopping wood to keep us warm throughout the winter.

Our electricity was a mere lifeline, sufficient only to power the stove. I suspect it was some form of propane, and in hindsight, our housing situation was far from safe. Given its high-risk level, I wonder how that precarious place never succumbed to flames. It's a testament to the resilience ingrained in us from an early age.

When the time came for me to submit my paper, little did I know that my words would carry such weight. Little to my surprise, I won first place. I was overcome with pride and gave the certificate to my mother. She held it with tears of joy, knowing that this simple piece of paper symbolized more than just an academic achievement. She saw in me an old soul filled with humility and a profound understanding of life's challenges.

Most importantly, my mother knew she would not be forgotten whatever path I chose. The recognition I received then was a testament to her unwavering love and support. It reminded us that no matter our circumstances, we possessed a resilience and a capacity for greatness that could not be extinguished. Together, we had weathered the storms of life, and this victory was a beacon of hope, lighting the way to a brighter future.

Old soul in 3rd grade Angela Harrelson


"Through the Eyes of Empathy: Exploring the Square's Offerings"


"The Power of Art and Connection: A Family's Embrace of a Heroic Image"