"Conquering the Marathon Within: My 'Running 4 Stolen Lives' Experience"

In the middle of the Twin City Marathon, I took on a 5K challenge this year, proudly sporting my "Running 4 Stolen Lives" T-shirt. This 5k wasn't just any race but a mission that meant more than personal accomplishment. It was my way of representing the spirit of George Floyd Square and a cause that deeply touched my heart.

Honestly, I wasn't in the best shape physically for a challenge like this. But it wasn't about how fast I could run but about the determination burning inside me. I walked the path with unwavering resolve, determined to conquer the challenges of the marathon. Amid the physical exertion and emotional ups and downs, I had a guiding presence—the Gatekeeper, "Medea of the George Floyd Square"” who became my anchor throughout this emotional journey.

The key to my success was unwavering focus. Whenever doubts or exhaustion crept in, I'd dig deep and ask myself, "Why am I doing this?" The answer was crystal clear: I was running for stolen lives, working to raise awareness and funds for a cause larger than myself.

Remembering our "why" is like finding a guiding star when everything around us is dark and uncertain. While the crowd cheered us on, the real test was within. I had to tap into the hidden well of confidence deep within my mind, heart, and soul.

But my journey wasn't just about self-reflection. Every choice was a step forward, propelling me relentlessly toward the finish line.

I encountered a difficulty during the race: I ran out of water. My throat was dry, and my body was craving hydration. So, I mustered the courage to approach a lady in her truck on the sidelines and ask for water. Without hesitation, she handed me two precious bottles. I was instantly relieved and humbled with gratitude.

As I continued, the music from the band along the route became my anthem. The band melodies provided a rhythm to match the cadence of my determined heart. It was their way of supporting runners, reminding us that our community stood with us.

Throughout my life, I've believed that unity, love, and kindness are the forces that propel us forward. "Running for stolen lives" wasn't just a race; it was a message that we stand together with those who grieve, embrace those who hurt, and genuinely care.

When the race was over, I sat in my car and gave thanks. I whispered, "Thank you, Jesus, for helping me." The support I received moved me deeply, and I was in awe of the strength that comes from above, enabling us to conquer not just some challenges but everything life throws our way.

On this journey, my heart swelled with the same determination that carried me through the race. I eagerly look forward to returning to the Twin City Marathon next year. Join me in this journey of unity, resilience, and gratitude, fueled by the kindness of strangers and guided by the music that carries us forward. Let's continue making a difference one step at a time.

Running with a purpose

Angela Harrelson


"Canceled Run, Divine Plan: A Chance Meeting from Goldsboro to Minnesota"


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